Are you aware that when you enter a room, you are sized up in only a few seconds? This means, you have to be at your best fashion colorful behavior. Color is a huge part of what presents a 'good first impression.' Having the right makeup colors will enhance your youth, make you feel confident and accentuate your most natural beauty. If you have the wrong colors, it can make you appear tired, drained and aged.
When it comes to selecting makeup colors, a lot of women have absolutely no clue. Some women wear their colors based upon their instinct. Other women just go with the current trend in fashion. And still, there are others who wear colors that friends recommend. This will result in erroneous choices, money wasted and a 'not so' flattering look. However, you don't have to guess when it comes to colors and neither do you have to be an expert.
Go to your retail stores and you will see a variety of colors to choose from, but make sure you have a fashionista with you. Just kidding! We are going to give you some excellent tips here to get you started.
Personalizing your color
To personalize and customize your colors, we will use the seasons to give you a clearer vision when it comes to eye, hair and skin tone. For the season lingo, you will know whether you are warm or cool; light or deep.
Warm or Cool
Warm colors exemplify earth tones, brown or gold shades. Cool colors symbolize gray, white, black, deep blue, turquoise or blue greens. It is possible for any woman to wear any color, but the variance is in the shade.
Beyond a doubt, the most significant representative to determine if you are warm or cool is the color of your hair. If you are unable to determine your precise eye color or skin tone, then your hair color will offer the next best solution because it frames your face.
Light or Deep
Now that you know whether your color is warm or cool, you need to determine if it is light or deep. Again, your skin tone, color of hair and eyes will be the primary determining factor to decide if you are light or deep. If your eyes are light blue or light green, your color would be lighter. If your eyes are brown or black, then you are to choose deeper colors. If you are deep, then you will select a tan makeup color to match your skin tone.
On a scale of 1 to 10, what is your skin tone, eye and hair color - with 1 being lighter and 10 being deeper? You would choose a deep ebony color for a 10 and a paler color for a 1. For example, most people from the Middle East have deep skin tones and dark eyes. So they would choose a deep color. Conversely, most Europeans have hair that is blonde and lighter eyes, so they would choose lighter colors. So if you fall into the category of deep, you would be between a 5 and higher. If you fall into the category of light, you would be between 1 and 4.
Congratulations! You now can determine the right makeup color for your skin tone.
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